The leader of mine shaft hoisting safety technology
Home > Application Cases > Integrated service of shaft hoisting wire rope

China Coal Xinji Liuzhuang Coal Mine Rope Replacement Project

The auxiliary shaft of China Coal Xinji Liuzhuang Coal Mine adopts a floor-to-ceiling multi-rope friction lifting system, with a lifting height of 420 meters, 4 wire ropes, and a rope diameter of 38mm. The mine adopts a YHC rope change vehicle for the head rope replacement. At 9:00 am on November 26, the rope replacement work officially started. In only 7 hours, the replacement of the 4 head ropes of the auxiliary shaft hoist was completed safely and efficiently, which provided the safe and efficient operation of the mine hoisting system.


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    Address: 142# Chang'an Road, Xuzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Xuzhou City,Jiangsu Province,China