The leader of mine shaft hoisting safety technology

Our company's scientific and technological achievements won the second prize of science and technology of China Coal Industry Association


Recently, the project "Intelligent System of Mine Lifting Auxiliary Shaft AND type Cage" undertaken by our company as the second completed unit won the second prize of China Coal Industry Science and Technology Award 2020.

Most of China's auxiliary shaft cage lifting system uses traditional cage auxiliary equipment, cage internal tank door, tank resistance and other auxiliary equipment function automation and cage external correlation system and equipment interconnection, interworking has become a mine safety and efficient production urgent technical problems. The innovation project aimed at the major needs of automation AND intelligence of auxiliary shaft cage lifting system and the shortage of existing technology, developed AND type cage intelligent system, has achieved good application results in typical mines.

Main innovation achievements:

(1) For the first time, integrated design and intelligent control are carried out for tank door, tank internal blocking vehicle, emergency communication, wireless charging and danger identification, and information interconnection and communication with external associated equipment and systems are realized, which meets the intelligent development requirements of shaft cage upgrading system.

(2) For the first time, the tank rail double resistance holding car arrester and trackless rubber wheel car automatic seeking wedge arrester, using intelligent double resistance holding car technology and automatic seeking wheel technology, through wireless transmission and the car system locking linkage, automatic seeking wheel positioning, vehicle balance lock, lock car safe and reliable, changed the traditional tank "fixed" blocking car concept, to ensure that the tank vehicles no channeling momentum.

(3) The development of the tank danger identification technology and emergency communication technology, can identify, early warning, forecast personnel and other dangerous state, tank crew and wellhead emergency communication, improve the timeliness and effectiveness of emergency state disposal.

(4) The innovative use of fixed-point intelligent wireless charging mode, through the intelligent control system to achieve the safe position of charging, running position of power supply with the tank continuous supply, to ensure the safety of charging, supply more than the amount of use, effectively solve the problem of intelligent tank cage system of electric energy supply.

The project results have been promoted and applied in more than 10 mines in Huainan Mining Group, Guoneng Ning Coal Group, China Coal Energy Group, Shanxi Coal Transportation and Marketing Group, Jinchuan Group and other mining areas, and achieved good economic and social benefits. It is of great significance to improve the mine shaft cage, improve the automation level of system technology and equipment and promote the progress of science and technology in the industry, and has broad application prospects.


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