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Home > Application Cases > Swing deck cage locking system, minecart control system

Shicao Village Coal Mine Locking Cage Swing deck Project

National Energy Group Ningxia Ningdong Coal Industry Shicao Village coal mine capacity 6 million tons/year, cage weight 42000kg, maximum load 43000kg, well depth 514m. ZHT-B type double-locking cage swing deck was installed in the auxiliary shaft of Shicao village Coal Mine in June 2010. After testing and putting into operation, the bracket was transported to the working face for the first time on July 1, 2011. During the overall downloading of the bracket, under the reliable work of the wellhead and bottom lock cage swing deck, 169 large brackets (full weight 36t) were completed and all went down the well smoothly, realizing the upper and lower compensation of the cage in place and the locking of the cage, which provided a guarantee for the safe and efficient completion of the equipment in place in Shichuocun Coal Mine and the timely entry of the working face equipment assembly work.


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