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The Counsellors' Office of the State Council and National Energy Groups have jointly established a cooperative research mechanism on "Energy Transformation and high-quality Development"


In order to implement the strategic plans of the CPC National Congress on further promoting the energy revolution, enhancing the clean and efficient use of coal, and accelerating the planning and construction of a new energy system, The Counsellors' Office of the State Council, together with State Energy Group, China National Petroleum Corporation, State Grid Corporation Limited, China Minmetals Corporation, China Energy Research Society and Beijing Normal University, set up a cooperative research mechanism on "Energy Transformation and High-Quality Development".

On the morning of Nov 1, the launch meeting of the cooperative research on "Energy Transformation and High-quality Development" was held in Beijing.Gao Yu, Party Secretary and Director of the Counsellors' Office of the State Council; Liu Guoyue, Party secretary and chairman of the State Energy Group; Zhang Zhigang, deputy Party secretary and general manager of the State Grid Corporation; Cheng Jianping, Party secretary of Beijing Normal University; Shi Yubo, chairman of the China Energy Research Society; Duan Liangwei, Deputy Party Secretary and director of the China National Petroleum Corporation; Jiao Jian, member of the Party Group and deputy general manager of China Minmetals Corporation attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Zhang Yantong, member of the Party Group and deputy director of the Counsellors' Office of the State Council presided over the meeting.Heads of think tanks from central energy enterprises, industry associations and universities attended the meeting.

Gao Yu pointed out that the Party's 20 National Congress report proposed to actively yet prudently promote carbon neutralization, based on China's energy and resource endowment, further promote the energy revolution, accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system, which put forward higher requirements for the high-quality development of China's energy, under the premise of effectively guaranteeing energy security, research and explore a more resilient sustainable development of energy strategy. To promote the transformation from energy consumption dual control to carbon emission dual control, to help China's energy transformation and steady development, the urgent need for a high level of intellectual support system.The Counsellors' Office of the State Council proposes to set up a cooperative research mechanism on "Energy Transformation and high-quality Development", which aims to bring together the forces of government, industry, universities and research institutes, closely focus on the implementation of the 20 spirit of the Party, focus on the strategic needs of national energy under the new situation, focus on energy security and promote high-quality development, and conduct investigation and research on major strategic, overarching and forward-looking issues. To integrate superior resources, carry out practical research, and jointly serve the overall work of the Party and the country.

Liu pointed out that it is timely and significant to launch a cooperative research mechanism on "Energy transformation and high-quality development" at a time when the whole country is deeply studying and implementing the Party's 20 national spirits, which will help serve the national strategy and contribute to the construction of a new energy system.Zhang Zhigang believes that to carry out the cooperative research on "Energy transformation and high-quality development" is a powerful measure to study and implement the Party's twenty great spirits. It is necessary to strengthen the interdisciplinary, cross-professional and cross-field cooperation, give full play to the unique advantages of all parties, and jointly serve the central decision-making and deployment;Cheng Jianping pointed out that high-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and energy is a key field and an important guarantee to achieve high-quality development. The problems in the energy field are complex and systematic, which requires the joint efforts of the government, enterprises, academia and other parties to jointly tackle key problems and realize theoretical innovation.Shi Yubo believes that the green low carbon transition needs comprehensive measures, including consumption structure optimization, supply structure adjustment, low-carbon technology research, system and mechanism innovation, diversified and integrated development, etc., which is a long-term and arduous task and requires joint efforts of all parties.Duan Liangwei pointed out that the Party's 20 report for us to do a good job in the current and future a period of energy transition work clear direction and focus, energy central enterprises, industry associations, high-end think tanks, colleges and universities to establish a cooperative research mechanism, gather government, industry, university and research forces, is conducive to synergistic linkage, joint efforts to promote energy revolution, to achieve the goal of "double carbon";Jiao Jian believes that strengthening the research on the development of energy transformation is not only related to the development direction of China's energy industry, but also to speed up the construction of a new development pattern, to achieve high-quality development with Chinese modernization needs, the establishment of a cooperative research mechanism is of great significance.

After the launch, a seminar was held with the theme of "Accurately Grasp the Party's Twenty Great Spirits and Promote the Development of Energy Transformation". Zhang Yantong, member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the Counsellors' Office of the State Council, Zheng Guoguang, Deng Wenkui, special researcher of the Counsellors' Office of the State Council, Wu Yin, former deputy director of the National Energy Administration, Sun Jinsheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and leaders of think tanks of cooperative research units attended the seminar.


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